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Requirements Document
Water Polo Parent,
Revision Information
Eric Schaefer
Eric Schaefer
Eric Schaefer
Eric Schaefer
Eric Schaefer
Eric Schaefer
Eric Schaefer
Personal Web Site for a
Vendor of Logo’ed Products
Initial draft
Incorporated feedback from peers and instructor.
Added detail and more sections, including requirements to be fulfilled
by the client
Re-org sections to more closely follow course template.
Identify and evaluate more of client’s existing assets.
Develop recommendations:
visual design attributes (color theme, type)
logo for personal web site
Note: Schedule is difficult to plan because the course syllabus
indicates 8 class meetings but most other docs indicate 9 class
meetings. (Iva was notified via Canvass).
Add two more potential color palettes, very similar to first.
Add warm, monochromatic palette option for heartwarming mission
I spoke with the client today and learned some new things.
A. This document makes some assumptions that Redbubble and Zazzle
sell the merchandise and a personal web site only provides a
legitimating experience to support the sale (builds the brand).
It is likely that the current design could change to become a prototype
for a personal web site that builds the brand of Play Water Polo and
sells the merchandise.
B. More logo ideation
Add low-res prototype that shows info architecture and wire frame.
Add potential color palettes based on triad rule and complementary

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Eric Schaefer
Identify typography and color palette choices.
Eric Schaefer
Add user testing results
Revision Information ................................................................................................................................ 1
Client brief description
Client’s business
Objectives of the web site
Client’s objectives for web site ............................................................................................................. 5
Users’ objectives for web site ............................................................................................................... 5
Web site users and scenarios ................................................................................................................... 6
Primary users ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Use scenarios ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Technical platforms .................................................................................................................................. 8
Existing assets
Product design elements ...................................................................................................................... 9
Pernik17 accounts on Redbubble and Zazzle
Recommendations.................................................................................................................................. 13
Experience Goals
Visual design attributes
Brand logo
Information architecture .................................................................................................................... 17
Wireframes ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Requirements to complete the project
Resource requirements
Requirements to be fulfilled by the client .......................................................................................... 23

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Time requirements
User test feedback
User: Aaron ......................................................................................................................................... 25
User: Josh ............................................................................................................................................ 31
User: Firenze ....................................................................................................................................... 36
User: Lola ............................................................................................................................................ 39
User: Tina ............................................................................................................................................ 42
User: MeiNa ........................................................................................................................................ 46
User: Dan
User: Harry .......................................................................................................................................... 53
Client brief description
Javier lives in the West Valley of Santa Clara County. His two teenage kids are involved in water polo.
Javier was never a water polo fan, but now he attends the polo events, is engaged with other families on
the polo teams, and savors the shared experience with his family.
Javier has a steady job as a massage therapist. He has innovative ideas about connecting therapists with
clients. One idea is implemented as he rents working space to massage therapists. A more challenging
goal is to connect therapists with clients in real time following the example of ride hailing apps like Uber
and Lyft. He has researched the requirements and resources for about a year, but he does not have
resources to realize that idea yet. Nevertheless, his ideas and actions demonstrate his entrepreneurial
Javier has a positive, passionate experience with his children that involves water polo. For a parent,
finding a shared interest with a teenager is a treasure. For a teen player, playing water polo can be self
definition, group inclusion, and a shared experience with a parent. Javier created the designs so that his
family could together proclaim their participation in the water polo community and show support for
each other. According to Javier, existing designs were no good.
Client’s business
Javier created some water polo logos that he sells on apparel, mugs, and tote bags. The products are
sold online at Redbubble and Zazzle. A search for “water polo gifts” yields collections from Zazzle and
Redbubble in the top 10. Javier is one of many vendors in the water polo collections.

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The business name “Play Water Polo” is not registered to Javier, but Javier owns domain
The brand name is inconsistent: “pernik17” in some places and “Play Water Polo” in others.
Business Strategy Option?: Customize logos for teams, clubs
The Redbubble web site has a “Portfolio” section that provides some information about the artist.
There is no Redbubble app for phones, but the site is responsive. The Portfolio section can link to a
personal web site. For example, see
The Zazzle web site has an “About” section that provides some information about the artist. The Zazzle
app does not show information about the artists. Zazzle has a page about the business and provides
links to the business’ Pinterest and Facebook pages.
Javier created accounts on Facebook and Pinterest with the name “Play Water Polo. The Facebook
account attempts to foster water polo community by posting about water polo events at the national
and local levels.
Javier does not purchase ads.
Javier distributes his business card at water polo events to drive potential customers to his online stores.
Javier currently has no personal website.

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Objectives of the web site
Client’s objectives for web site
Javier would like a low-cost, low maintenance personal website to help increase his sales by adding
credibility to his merchandise.
Build a brand by telling Javier’s mission: Provide logo’ed clothing that help families celebrate the
bonds that develop around water polo.
Encourage parents and players to visit his online stores and purchase apparel
Minimize time and money resources for building and maintaining the web site
Users’ objectives for web site
Users typically come to the personal web site from one of Javier’s online stores. Users want to
know about the designer of the logo’ed apparel that they are considering purchasing.
Some users have heard of Javier’s logo’ed apparel. Maybe they saw the clothing at a water polo
event, read on Facebook or Instagram. These users can find his personal web site when they
search for Javier’s name or the business name Play Water Polo (domain name The web site displays Javier’s logos and helps the users find stores that
sell his logo’ed apparel.

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Web site users and scenarios
Primary users
The following two personas would be primary users of Javier’s personal web site.
Parent of water polo player:
Bob’s daughter plays water polo for her high school. When Bob was in high school, he ran cross country
and played soccer. He was not great, but he knows what it is to be involved in high school sport. Bob
never played water polo, but he can leverage his high school experience and his years of watching major
league sports to share his daughter’s experience. Bob attends his daughter’s events whenever he is able,
and occasionally drives his daughter and a friend or two to an event.
At an event, Bob sits in the stands while his daughter is with her teammates. Bob parlays his little water
polo knowledge into rapport with the other parents at the events. When he is working on his computer
he takes some time to research water polo leagues, events, history, rules. He might show other parents
a video clip of competitive adult polo or some photos from a previous event on his phone. As a parent,
he is interested to know his daughter’s friends and their families. Bob has limited time with his family
andas his daughter grows olderfewer shared interests. Water polo is an opportunity to show that
he is a supporter of his daughter, his daughter’s team, and is a member of the team community
Teen water polo player
Flo is a high school sophomore. Not a natural athlete, but an accomplished swimmer after years of swim
teams. High school offered an opportunity to parlay her swimming skill into a water polo player. She’s
not a starter, and she’s learning the rules, but the game itself is not quite as important as the experience
of being on the team. She has an old friend on the team and the opportunity to make new friends with
some girls of social status. She is eager to be accepted and be valued by her team mates.
Flo’s social media stream now includes water polo events, people, clothing, accessories. She shares the
water polo info with those team mates with whom she has some rapport, some of her friends, and
occasionally with her parents. “Dad will appreciate this photo of him raising his arms in touch-down
style when Carla scored a goal.” Flo uses her phone for almost all her online socializing.
Use scenarios
The following scenarios demonstrate how Javier’s personal web site could be used by two kinds of users.
Parent of teen player
Late Saturday night Bob is surfing the web on his desktop computer. Bob still has a warm feeling from the
water polo competition that he and his daughter attended earlier in the day. Bob wants to give his
daughter a gift.
She’s growing into her own life, but she still has a place in my life. And she will always have a place in my
heart. Let’s reinforce our shared water polo experiences.

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Bob searches for “water polo clothing” and sees all kinds of apparel. He isn't sure of the popular styles
and performance of the technical apparel, so he decides on ordinary apparel with a logo that can
reinforce the water polo connection. Even in this sub-category, there are so many choices. What's an
appropriate choice?
The online store for logo'ed apparel by pernik17 has a link to the designer's personal web site. Bob clicks
to the web site. On the landing page, Bob sees a slide show of photos of fierce polo competition,
teamly camaraderie, and fans supporting their players. The images remind him of what he saw and felt
earlier in the day. It was a great match!
Bob clicks to the page that contains a brief biography of the pernik17 designer. A regular guy with teen
polo players, just like Bob. Bob believes that this designer understands what it is to be the parent of a
teen water polo player. This designer has the right stuff.
Bob clicks to the page of pernik17 logos and finds one that is simpleone that is least likely to be
embarrassing. Bob clicks the link to the store that has Tshirts with that logo and makes a purchase.
Teen player
Walking home from school, Flo’s phone pops up a reminder that Father’s Day is coming up. None of her
friends are with her, so now is a great time to do something for Dad.
Wait … there’s a message from Kim. Gotta respond.
Back to Dad’s gift …
Flo knows right away that she wants to give Dad something that acknowledges his support for her on the
water polo team.
A cap or a shirt with a water polo logo couldn’t go wrong.
HOOONK! “Hey, watch where you’re going!”
Flo looks up from her phone and sees a car with 3 boys from her high school. So rude!
Back to Dad’s gift …
Which hat? Which shirt? That hat looks OK, and the designer has a web site. OK, that means not just a
mass-produced item from a country where they don’t even know what water polo is.
Flo clicks to the designer’s personal web site. Flo responds to the photo of battling polo players and
imagines that that could be her …. One day, if she keeps at it. Flo recognizes the photos of teammates
supporting each other and fans supporting the players. She feels good when she looks at the images.
Hey! That fan could be my dad.
Convinced that this designer provides quality merchandise that is worthy of her dad, Flo clicks back to
the online store and purchases the hat for her dad.

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Technical platforms
Javier’s personal web site must format well on phones and provide a compelling experience on larger
screens. The site must be responsive to popular screen sizes used by potential customers: phones,
tablets, and personal-use computers. The web site will display photos, logo images, and text, but no
streamed data. The experience must be supported on current, popular browsers on current, popular
devices. There is no requirement to support legacy browsers or devices.

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Existing assets
Javier’s existing assets include products (logo designs) and marketing collateral. Products are published
at online stores. Marketing collateral includes business cards and brief “information about the artist”
sections at the online stores.
Product design elements
Design commonalities among Javier’s logos suggest and constrain brand concepts. The personal web
site should be consistent with design elements of the logos.
Common themes
The logos contain minimal text, and “play water polo” is common.
The logos typically use sans-serif typefaces, and lower casing predominates.
Parallel horizontal lineswavy or straight--invoke water.
Arced parallel lines suggest rainbows.
Some logos are customized for national, state, and local communities.
Product images
Logos that are available on Redbubble:

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Pernik17 accounts on Redbubble and Zazzle
The online store web sites offer limited space for information about the artist. Zazzle provides a link to
the artist’s Facebook page.
The banner on both accounts lacks negative space near the edges and is truncated horizontally on
smaller screen sizes. On Redbubble especially, the high-chroma orange and blue colors create a visual
“buzzing”. On Zazzle, the Facebook logo (in the lower left corner of the banner) obscures the text.

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The banner of the Play Water Polo account on Facebook also buzzes with high-chroma contrasts.

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Create a personal web site that builds Javier’s brand. Explain Javier’s mission and recreate the positive
emotions and memories that are associated with the water polo community. Provide links to Javier’s
online stores
Q: Is the web site for the artist or for the business?
Experience Goals
Javier’s personal web site is an extension of the experience of shopping for logo’ed clothing at an online
Goal: A site visitor feels the excitement of the sport, connection with sport community members and
family. A site visitor understands that logo’ed clothing is an opportunity to express connections with
team, community, and family.
Sub-Goal 1
Site visitors feel the excitement of the sport. They are moved to remember and feel the drama that they
experienced at a water polo event. They like it.
Objectives for Sub-Goal 1
Within 1 month of going online, the site is mentioned in social media by 10 visitors.
Sub-Goal 2
Visitors identify Javier’s logo’ed clothing as an opportunity to show support for team and family.
Objectives for Sub-Goal 2
20% of site visitors click through to the online stores.
Visual design attributes
Royal blue suggests water and (typically) the caps of the home team.
Aqua suggests pool water.
White is splashed water and (typically) the caps of the visiting team

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Water polo balls are typically gold with black furrows.
The following three similar palettes are generated as “analogous” colors and are appropriate for a lively
water polo action page. Choose one of these three palettes and discard the other two.
Basic palette that reflects colors in a typical water polo scene:
Add pink as is popular on girls’ water polo balls:
Add red as Javier uses in some of his “rainbow” designs:
The following color theme is monochromatic with base FFCF33 (from the basic palette). The warm
colors are appropriate for a heartwarming page where Javier explains his story and mission.
However, when applied to prototypes with pool photos, the palette and the photos do not complement
each other.

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The following palette uses the triad rule. The palette yields gold, aqua, white, which are common in
water polo photos. The palette also yields a lighter version of aqua and a very dark mauve (“Dk Coffee”)
that could replace black.
The following palette uses the complementary rule. The palette contains a vibrant gold and strong royal
blue, both with high chroma. The blue is darkened to contrast with the orange light. A secondary pair
of orange/blue with the same hue contains lower chroma values.
This palette was selected in later prototypes.

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For small text content (e.g., the artist’s story), use a clean (sans-serif) typeface like Arial.
For the web site logo: The Chennai (sans-serif) typeface is round and fluid with very few sharp angles. It
flows like water, is round like water drops, and is similar to typefaces that the client uses in some of his
logo designs.
The web designer decided to find a typeface that matched some of the attributes of the fonts that are
used in the logos. Typo Grotesk is free and echoes elements of the logo typefaces.
Typo Grotesk typeface is used in the web page logo text and in the headings of the web page.
Photography guidelines
Brand logo
Logo ideation
All logo designs use Chennai typeface

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Information architecture
The personal web site has a simple designthree sections are sufficient. The sections can be in a single,
scrollable page, or in three pages.

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The landing page is designed to re-create the positive feelings that a user associates with the larger
water polo experience. There are images of water polo action, team camaraderie, and supportive fans.
Another page displays all of Javier’s logos and provides links to the stores that sell logo’ed products.
(Not all designs are available at every store).
A third page tells Javier’s story of his involvement with his family in the larger water polo experience.
This “mission” page is the most personal, and includes photos of Javier (and family/team).

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Low resolution
The following diagram combines information architecture and wire-framing in a low-resolution
prototype. Assume a single, scrollable page. Implemented for phone-sized screen

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Requirements to complete the project
Completion of Javier’s personal web site has several requirements.
Resource requirements
The following resources are required to implement Javier’s personal web site:
Web hosting service
Javascript to support simple patterns like sliders, carousel.
The following features are not required: shopping cart, mail form, blog
An editor like Notepad++ for the code files
A photo editor like Photoshop
Requirements to be fulfilled by the client
The following resources are required from the client:
Introduction to typical users: water polo teen players and water polo players' parents. The web
design team will interview some players and some parents to get a better understanding of the
users of the web site.
Feedback on all aspects of the site
Timely communication
A meeting once per week
Can be in person or via phone
Response to email or phone msgs within 1 business day
Media assets that are required for the web site:
Logo images
Water polo action
Water polo team camaraderie
Parent/child bonding at water polo events
Fans and players wearing apparel with Javier’s logos
Javier (the artist)
Assets that provide an understanding of the context of the web site:
Business cards
Advertising material
Logo images

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Disclosure of relevant other web sites and social media, e.g., online stores where logo'ed
clothing is sold.
Time requirements
Assume one person designing and implementing for the client. The project will require about 10 weeks.

Page 25
User test feedback
Later designs were tested by several target users:
Aaron, male, early 20s, sibling of a water polo player
Josh, male, late teens, played water polo in high school
Firenze, male, mid-teens, currently plays water polo in high school and for a club
Lola, female, early-40s, mother of a water polo player
Tina, female, late-40s, mother of a water polo player
Harry, male, mid-40s, father of a water polo player
Dan, male, early-50s, father of a water polo player
User: Aaron
Test Date:
Sept. 18,2017
Test Location:
Aaron’s house
PWP Version:
4.2 (Sept. 15)
Test Screen:
Large monitor
User Description:
Alias: Aaron
Early 20s
Polo Connection:
Aaron’s brother and friends played water polo in high school.
Technology uses:
1. Professional, technical work (coding) (PC)
2. Games (PC)
3. Social (phone)
Device usage: PC 90%, phone 10%.
Normal type: User’s feedback
Italic type: Test administrator’s comments
Task: Explore a web site that you heard about on social media. The web site is for a guy that sells
clothing with water polo logos. Remember (or imagine) your connections to the high school water polo

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Page 27
Hero photos are low-quality, probably ripped off the internet. Indicates low-budget, un-established
vendor. But not insincere.
Re: hero texts (“We are competitors”, “We are teammates”, …): Who is “we”?
Meaning of the logo is unclear.
Stores section
White text competes with photos white background of product images: what wants my attention?
Button in a button? (Button + text are grouped by a border that could be understood as a button).
What is Zazzle? What is Redbubble? Why 2 stores? I want to see merch and prices.
What is “get” shirts—buy? free? Play a game?
I want to get to store by clicking on product images.
I understand that you can buy hats, shirts, …. at the stores.

Page 28
Design gallery section
The title “Design gallery” is not needed.
The spacing of logos in the gallery leaves too much white space. Maybe display several at a time?
Eliminate thumbnails and the horizontal scroll bar.
The two horizontal bubble breaks are obviously the same image. Could they not be unique? A clipped
bubble on the right edge is annoying.
About the artist section
The text makes Javier sound like a relatable individual, not a corporation. The story sounds like what
you see on Newman’s products and Trader Joe’s genre. (Neither positive nor negative.)
There is heavy emphasis on contacting Javierusually the contact form is understated.
Why does the artist use the pernik17 alias on his stores?
“We are not artists ...” is superfluous.
Contact form
Request from the test administrator: Fill out the form to contact Javier (the information will not be sent,
but let’s see how the form behaves).
Phone number is typically not requiredI don’t want to give that out.

Page 29
Aaron notices that blank space in front of his form message increases every
message (e.g., due to no phone number) and the information sticks in the fields.
should be fixed.
The phone format is picky.
After form is successfully submitted …
Acknowledgement on a separate page is not expected.
Back to top …
The product is de-emphasized.
The brand should not be Play water polo but Wear water polo.
What is “wearable designs”? Is that merchandise?
time that he can’t send the
This is a bug that

Page 30
Questions and prompts from the test admin:
Is there a call to action?
It is muddled. The vendor is not a pro, shopping is de-emphasized … does the guy want to show how
much of a fan he is? Show off his work?
There is no navigation menu in the header. Is that strange?
No. For short web site, no navigation menu is common.

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User: Josh
Test Date:
Sept. 18,2017
Test Location:
Josh’s house
PWP Version:
4.2 (Sept. 15)
Test Screen:
720px phone
User Description:
Alias: Josh
Late teens
Polo Connection:
Played water polo 2 yrs in high school.
Technology uses:
1. Entertainment (Phone and PC)
2. Games (PC)
3. School work (PC)
4. Social (phone)
Device usage: Computer 50%, phone 50%.
Normal type: User’s feedback
Italic type: Test administrator’s comments
Task: Explore a web site that you heard about on social media. The web site is for a guy that sells
clothing with water polo logos. Remember (or imagine) your connections to the high school water polo

Page 32
User scans the page without giving feedback.
Prompt from test administrator: There is no navigation menu. Do you expect navigation menu?
After a very long pause…. Yes.
What targets do you expect for the navigation links? Stores, the artist’s story, and the Facebook feeds.
Stores section
What is wearable designs?
Why 2 stores? I want to see merch and prices. Why not 1 store on this site?
No store on this site is less professional, and I am less likely to purchase.
Design gallery section

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Would like to see logos on products
About the artist section
User didn’t read this section until requestednot interested.
What do you remember about the artist?
Contact form
Request from the test administrator: Fill out the form to contact Javier (the information will not be sent,
but let’s see how the form behaves).
Text input field is strange.
Same problem that Aaron noticed: Input doesn’t start from the left margin but from wherever he clicks
in the text field. Blank space in front of his form message increases every time that he can’t send the
message (e.g., due to no phone number) and the information sticks in the fields.
After form is successfully submitted …
Acknowledgement on a separate page is as expected.

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Questions and prompts from the test admin:
Is there a call to action?
Yes. Buy the stuff. Use the store buttons.
Do you feel a connection with water polo?

Page 36
User: Firenze
Test Date:
Sept. 26, 2017
Test Location:
Palo Alto High School pool area
PWP Version:
6.0 (Sept. 26)
Test Screen:
User Description:
Alias: Firenze
Polo Connection:
Plays water polo in high school and for club. Firenze is Javier’s son.
Technology uses:
1. Social, entertainment (phone)
2. School work, games (PC)
Device usage: Phone 80%, PC 20%.
Normal type: User’s feedback
Italic type: Test administrator’s comments
Task: Explore a web site that you heard about on social media. The web site is for a guy that sells
clothing with water polo logos. Remember (or imagine) your connections to the high school water polo

Page 37
Good photoshaving fun, any age, male or female is OK.
Stores section
Merchandise is good.
Design gallery section
After tapping a logo design and prompted for expectation…

Page 38
I would like to see a larger view of the logo, so I can zoom in and out.
Maybe link from the logo to the store and show all merchandise with that design.
About the artist section
The story is accurate …
Firenze provides examples of how he has made friends, learned new skills, and developed his character,
how his family has joined other families and friends screaming in the stands, that together they celebrate
triumphs and share painful lessons.
Community section
No prompt no comment.
Questions and prompts from the test admin:
Task: Compare the V5.1 and V6.2 versions of the Design Gallery section.
Firenze prefers the V6.0 (grid) layout on his test platform (phone).
V5.1 (Slider of 3 images in most screens, vertical stack of all images in screens < 450px):

Page 39
Son plays water polo in high school and for club. Lola is Javier’s spouse.
Task: Explore a web site that you heard about on social media. The web site is for a guy that sells
clothing with water polo logos. Remember (or imagine) your connections
User: Lola
Test Date:
Sept. 26, 2017
Test Location:
Palo Alto High School pool area
PWP Version:
6.0 (Sept. 26)
Test Screen:
Phone (larger model)
User Description:
Alias: Lola
Polo Connection:
Technology uses:
1. Social (PC, phone)
2. Professional work (PC)
Device usage: Phone 50%, PC 50%.
Normal type: User’s feedback
Italic type: Test administrator’s comments
to the high school water polo

Page 40
. See detail of the design?
What kind of pride? It should say something like ”water polo pride”.
Nice photos of water polo action.
When I click the name I want to see information about the designer.
Stores section
After tapping the product photos
When I tap the shirt I want to go to the design

Page 41
Design gallery section
No prompt, no comment.
About the artist section
She scanned up and down several times but didn’t scroll down far enough to see this section.
Is there a story about the artist?
Prompt to scroll down …
OK, this is good. Family story is good.
Community section
I like the Facebook pages.
Questions and prompts from the test admin:
Task: Compare the V5.1 and V6.2 versions of the Design Gallery section.
Lola prefers the V6.0 (grid) layout on her test platform (phone).
V5.1 (Slider of 3 images in most screens, vertical stack of all images in screens < 450px):

Page 42
User: Tina
Test Date:
Sept. 27, 2017
Test Location:
Tina’s home
PWP Version:
6.0 (Sept. 27) With commercial photos in the hero slider replaced by my photos
and free photos.
Test Screen:
Large monitor
User Description:
Alias: Tina
45 - 55
Polo Connection:
Daughter played water polo in high school and for club. Tina attended
most games.
Technology uses:
1. Social (PC, phone)
2. Entertainment (PC)
Device usage: PC 70%, Phone 30%
Normal type: User’s feedback
Italic type: Test administrator’s comments
Task: Explore a web site that you heard about on social media. The web site is for a guy that sells
clothing with water polo logos. Remember (or imagine) your connections to the high school water polo

Page 43
After prompting about terminology:
From the context, I understand that the wearable designs are clothes that contain water polo logos. My
word choice would be “water polo gear”.
The photos of water polo action are of 2ry importance and should be below the stores links and designs
gallery. As currently placed at the top, it is a waste of space.
Stores section
She missed the stores links. Even when she saw the stores links, she didn’t see the list of products that
are available at each store.
Design gallery section
When I click a logo image, I want to see a larger view so I can see the details.

Page 44
About the artist section
She didn’t read the artist story, but later claims that she likes to know about the artist when she
purchases on Etsy.
Community section
No prompt, no comment.
Questions and prompts from the test admin:
Task: Compare the V5.1 and V6.0 versions of the Design Gallery section.
Tina prefers the V6.0 (grid) layout on her test platform (large monitor).
V5.1 (Slider of 3 images in most screens, vertical stack of all images in screens < 450px):

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Page 46
Son played water polo in high school. MeiNa attended most games.
Task: Explore a web site that you heard about on social media. The web
clothing with water polo logos. Remember (or imagine) your connections to the high school water polo
User: MeiNa
Test Date:
Sept. 20, 2017
Test Location:
MeiNa’s house
PWP Version:
4.4 (Sept. 20)
Test Screen:
Large monitor
User Description:
Alias: MeiNa
Polo Connection:
Technology uses:
1. Social (tablet)
2. Professional work (PC)
3. Games (tablet)
4. Phone (1:1 comms voice and text)
Device usage: Tablet: 70%, PC 20%, phone 10%.
Normal type: User’s feedback
Italic type: Test administrator’s comments
site is for a guy that sells

Page 47
y “we are family”?
looks like coach and
I like the action photos. Typical of water polo. (Hero images)
Re hero texts (“We are family”): Why does it sa
player, and not necessarily mother and daughter.)
Stores section
Who makes the designs? Can I make a design?
Design gallery section

Page 48
Re the logos: I want more action, more encouraging messages, and the year. She wants the year so that
she can place an experiencee.g., her son playing water poloin time.
About the artist section
Re the artist’s story: Who is “we”? She soon realizes that “we” is the artist and the artist’s son.
Community section
Not interested in Facebook feed.
Questions and prompts from the test admin:
MeiNa noticed the scrollspy nav, but did not use it. When asked, she said that it was not useful.

Page 49
User: Dan
Test Date:
Sept. 27, 2017
Test Location:
Dan’s home
PWP Version:
6.0 (Sept. 27) With commercial photos in the hero slider replaced by my photos
and free photos.
Test Screen:
Large monitor
User Description:
Alias: Dan
45 - 55
Polo Connection:
Daughter played water polo in high school and for club. Dan attended
most games.
Technology uses:
1. Professional (PC)
2. Social (PC, phone)
Device usage: PC 95%, Phone 5%
Normal type: User’s feedback
Italic type: Test administrator’s comments
Note: Dan and Tina tested together.
Task: Explore a web site that you heard about on social media. The web site is for a guy that sells
clothing with water polo logos. Remember (or imagine) your connections to the high school water polo

Page 50
Notices nav scrollspy and uses it. (The only user so far to use it as a 1ry nav device!)
The photos of water polo action are of 2ry importance and should be below the stores links and designs
Stores section
Dan doesn’t know Redbubble or Zazzle, but clicks the links.

Page 51
When I click a logo image, I want to see a larger view so I can see the details.
es in most screens, vertical stack of all images in screens < 450px):
Design gallery section
Dan likes the grid layout (not the V5.1 slider)
the store where I can purchase would be great.
About the artist section
He didn’t read the artist story.
Community section
No prompt, no comment.
Questions and prompts from the test admin:
Task: Compare the V5.1 and V6.0 versions of the Design Gallery section.
Dan prefers the V6.0 (grid) layout on his test platform (large monitor).
V5.1 (Slider of 3 imag
In the larger view, a link to

Page 52

Page 53
User: Harry
Test Date:
Sept. 26, 2017
Test Location:
Palo Alto High School pool area
PWP Version:
6.0 (Sept. 26)
Test Screen:
Phone (larger model)
User Description:
Alias: Harry
Polo Connection:
Son plays water polo in high school. Harry played in high school and
Technology uses:
1. Professional work (PC)
2. Games/entertainment
3. Social
Device usage: PC 75%, phone 25%.
Normal type: User’s feedback
Italic type: Test administrator’s comments
Task: Explore a web site that you heard about on social media. The web site is for a guy that sells
clothing with water polo logos. Remember (or imagine) your connections to the high school water polo

Page 54
I don’t understand the logo.
What kind of designs? It should say something like ”water polo designs”.
Nice photos of water polo action.
Stores section
I want to see more products. Show the products with water polo designs.
I don’t know Redbubble and Zazzle.
After clicking links to the stores …
Links to the stores are good.

Page 55
Design gallery section
Taps the logos, but there is no reaction.
I want to see products that are printed with the logo when I tap the logo.
Re: bubble breaks between sections: Instead of bubbles, try something that is more specific to water
About the artist section
When prompted: Javier seems like a normal, regular … artist.
Community section
No prompting, no comment.

Page 56
Observations from the test admin:
Harry scans rapidly, looks for visual clues, doesn’t read much text. He is focused on getting to the
products--not so interested in the artist’s story.
Questions and prompts from the test admin:
Task: Compare the V5.1 and V6.2 versions of the Design Gallery section.
Harry prefers the V6.0 (grid) layout on his test platform (phone).
V5.1 (Slider of 3 images in most screens, vertical stack of all images in screens < 450px):