Swimming upstream to brand a vendor of logo’ed gear
A project by Eric Schaefer
UCSC Extension, UX and Web Design Certificate Program
Summer 2017
Client and Business
Client: Javier Nikaido, a water polo dad
Business: Design water polo logos; sell logo-printed gear on Redbubble and Zazzle
Client’s Expectations
First: Create a site that ranks high in search results and can drive traffic to the online
stores at redbubble and zazzle
Then: Create a site that strengthens the brand
Later: Create a site that serves as a prototype for a possible future personal store
Always …. with minimal cost
Any member of the extended water polo community:
Focus on:
Santa Clara Valley
Youth players and their connections
Current Market Presence and Issues
Redbubble and Zazzle online stores:
Seller has limited control
Limited opportunity to differentiate (brand) products
Facebook and Pinterest
Limited sales opportunity
Expensive ads
Inconsistent brand name:
“Pernik17” (Redbubble, Zazzle)
“Play Water Polo” (Facebook, Pinterest)
Create a personal site:
Build the client’s credibility as a member of the water polo community
Build the brand
Guide users to the online stores at Redbubble and Zazzle
Serve as a prototype for a personal store
Experience Goals
A site visitor feels the excitement of the sport
A site visitor feels connection with sport community members and family
A site visitor understands that logo’ed water polo gear is an opportunity to express
connections with team, community, and family.
Brand Attributes
The business springs from passion for the broader water polo experience
Although water polo is a violent sport, focus on the positive side … or be neutral.
Common quotes that are NOT representative of Play Water Polo:
“If you can’t play nice, play water polo”
“Keep calm and hit them under water”
Celebrate the bonds in the extended water polo community: Players, family, friends
Style Guide
Color palette
Complementary blue (water) and orange
(ball). Suggests sunset on water. Warm
orange for the artist’s story.
Headers and button text recall the artist’s
typeface in his logos:
Typo Grotesk: Play Water Polo
Typo Grotesk: Play Water Polo
Typo Grotesk: Play Water Polo
Regular text:
Arial: When there’s a lot to be read
The logo for the web page imitates elements of some of the artist’s water polo logos.
Redbubble FB & Zazzle
Design: Information Architecture
Use a single page and scroll among sections. On larger screens-- where the store links
might be below the fold--add a scrollspy navigation (menu on the side of the screen).
User task
Hero images
Recall the excitement and
bonding of water polo events
Stores links,
product preview
Associate products with water
polo experience
Click directly to the store
Logo designs
Feel empowered to choose
(invest in) a design;
Find a nice logo, click through to the
store to see products with that logo
Artist’s story and
FB community
Connect with the artist;
recognize authenticity
Contact artist via form,
Interact via Facebook
Wireframe for
phone screen
Use Bootstrap to rapidly create
over 30 working prototypes
(10 are shown)
Many prototypes were tested by
classmates and instructors
Testing by Target Audience
8 testers of late version prototypes
5 parents of current or previous
water polo players
3 young adults (15 22), current or
previous water polo players or
Tested on phone, tablet, large monitor
Notable Results:
“Wearable designs” term confuses
Logos: Prefer grid layout to slider (all
screen sizes)
Want more interaction with the logos
Prefer to shop on the page vs. redirect
to Redbubble or Zazzle
Don’t care about artist’s story
Site logo is not understood
Challenges and Regrets
Client was challenging to work with:
Provided few media assets (media, time, introductions)
Was difficult to reach
Could have agreed to commitments at the beginning of the project (or before committing to
the project)
Could have done more testing, earlier, using paper and pen mock-ups and/or working
Link to current implementation
on the class server
Thanks to All!
Thank you instructors and colleagues
for your
expertise, suggestions, kind words, and humor
Please stay in touch via Linkedin